16.05.1925 - 07.09.1992)
The late Correspondent, Mr. N. V. Rao, was born on 16th May 1925, in a well known family of the Vaishya Community in Madras. After the early loss of his own parents, he was brought up his paternal aunt, who was herself childless.
In the Home of Lady Andal and Sir M. Venkatasubba Rao, he had the benefits of their wonderful tutelage and guidance, living, travelling and learning from them, the ways of the elite Indian People involved in the field of Law, Social Welfare and Education. The Emerging Heroes of the Freedom movement were frequent visitors to his home as well as The Madras Seva Sadan, Mother institution of Sir M. Venkatasubba Rao School. It is not surprising that he, with the help of his wife Mrs. Seetha Rao, later founded the Sir M. Venkatasubba Rao School in memory of the Venkatasubba Raos. After his schooling in the Good Sheperd convent Madras, Mr. Rao went on to graduate with honours from the Madras Loyola College with a B. A. degree. He then went to England, where he obtained a degree in teaching. Later he joined the Madras Law College and obtained his B. L. Degree. He practiced as lawyer and served in the Public Prosecutor's Office in the High Court of Madras.
Mr. N. V. Rao was a great lover of Arts, Music and particularly Sports. He Played Cricket for The Loyola College Madras, as well as Tennis and other sports, in all of which he attained a degree of proficiency. On getting older, he became a keen Golfer, winning several trophies in that sport. His love for sports is even now evident in the training that he had insisted on imparting to the students of the school, inspite of the limited play field. He like his forebearers, was involved in several welfare and sports organisations and clubs like the Madras Seva Sadan, Rotary Club, Lions Club, the Freemasons and the Madras Cricket Club. He devoted most of his time to the Madras Seva Sadan as:
- Hon. General Secretary of The Madras Seva Sadan - Chetpet and Tambaram.
- President of the Madras Seva Sadan - multi purpose Social Organisation.
- President - Madras Seva Sadan Higher Secondary School Committee - Chetpet, and Madras Seva Sadan Higher Secondary School Committee - Tambaram.
- Vice - President - Madras Seva Sadan, Chetpet
He along with Mrs. N. Seetha Rao started the Sir M. Venkatasubba Rao School in June 1971, to commemorate the memory of the founder of the Madras Seva Sadan the late Justice, Sir M. Venkatasubbha Rao. From the day the decision was taken to open the school, till his death, Mr. Rao was totally involved with Sir. M. Venkatasubba Rao School. He built it up from its humble beginning with a handful of students, and semipucca class rooms, to the Present prestigious and popular status it enjoys, in its pucca multi storied buildings.
For a short period of time he even tried his hand at teaching and enjoyed the same, but his administrative duties and indifferent health on and off, did not allow him to continue as a teacher for long. These few lines hardly justify a commitment for a period of 21 years to the school. But Mr. Rao's spirit will live on in the school he loved and nurtured and in all the pupils who have benefitted from its establishment and existence for the past decades.